Oil products production and Distributionm in Brazil

This chapter is dedicated to the overview of the downstream of the oil industry in Brazil, focusing the production, distribution and marketing of oil products. We present the main characteristics and trends for the downstream of the oil industry in Brazil. The first section of the chapter is dedicated to the description of the oil products chain in Brazil. In the second session, we analyze the existing market and its structure, the recent evolution of the fuels demand and production. The third section describes the regulatory framework of the downstream of the oil chain in Brazil. This section is divided in five subsections. In the first one, the main institutions responsible for regulating the fuel market and their roles is introduced. In the second, the pricing process in Brazil is shown. The third analyzes the process of granting the permissions and authorizations in relation to the sale of fuels. Fourth, the role of inspection and quality control of fuels by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) is described. Finally, we highlight the joint activity of ANP and the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) to hinder anticompetitive practices for controlling prices. Finally, the last section of this chapter presents some trends for the next ten years for the fuels demand in Brazil.